Thursday, February 25, 2010

Lessons Learned

Life is all about the lessons you learn, two of the most influential people in my life are my mom and dad. They have taught me things that no one else has and things that I would have never figured out by myself. Their rules and teachings have taught me all I need to know and I seem to learn a little more everyday

My parents have taught me...
To never give up, because you will never know unless you try
To never judge and give everyone a chance and to "never judge a book by its cover"
To be anything I want to be and to reach for the stars with everything I do
That not everyone will always like you
That for every door that closes, two more open
Not to be all "now, now, now" and sometimes you have to be in things for the long run
To respect my elders because they have a lot of lessons to teach
That life isn't always fair
That good things come when you least expect them
To always be yourself and don't change for anyone
That you shouldn't care what other people think about everything you do because most of the time, no one really cares
That it is better to try and fail than not try at all
That TV is not real and we shouldn't base what we believe in off of that
That what you do now will affect the rest of your life
That there is no "i" in team
That you shouldn't reflect on the past, because there are much better things to come
& To realize that when life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.

My parents should have taught me that sometimes life is a little hard to handle, but its never more than you can handle and that friends can sometimes turn on your for stupid reasons. Life is a learning process, you learn a little more everyday but you learn the most from the journey along the way

Thursday, February 11, 2010


I am unsure of why bad things happen to good people
I am unsure of why war is necessary

I am unsure of what I want to do with my life, where I will go to college, where I will live in the future, who I will marry, and if I will be prepared to live on my own someday

I am unsure if I will be able to handle the deaths of people I love, I am unsure why death has to happen, I am unsure of why some people die so young

I am unsure of why some people are more fortunate than others
I am unsure of why people are so mean to others without knowing them

I am unsure of why Michael Jackson is still being talked about
I am unsure of why life is so short
I am unsure of why people give up
I am unsure of why I have gone through five cell phones in the past two years
I am unsure of what my definition of success is.

I am unsure of why people own cats as pets
I am unsure of why facebook changes its layout everyday
I am unsure of why doctors are able to work miracles
I am unsure about the world and what will happen if it ever ends
I am unsure of why it cannot be summer year round
I am unsure of what my career will be in ten years
I am unsure of why change has to occur
I am unsure of why mint chocolate chip ice cream is SO GOOD
I am unsure of why I am addicted to iced tea and at the moment, Grey's Anatomy

I am unsure of what makes the soldiers so brave, I am unsure of what gives them the strength to go overseas, away from their families, to fight for our country, I am unsure of how they do it because I myself would never have the courage to

I am unsure of life and some decisions I make during it, I am unsure of where I will be in fifty years, I am unsure of what will change, I am unsure of what I am in store for, I am unsure of what my purpose is, and I am unsure of why I am so unsure about everything!

Say yes!

Yes can be an extremely serious word and an extremely simple word at the same time. I say yes a million times every day, I say it to anything and everything that I know will make me happy.

I say yes to heart to hearts with my family, anytime and anywhere
I say yes to sleeping all day
I say yes to the long, lazy days of summer
I say yes to chai tea at Starbucks three times a week
I say yes to second chances, because everyone deserves one
I say yes to believing in myself
I say yes to not playing it safe all the time, and taking chances because you never know what will happen until you try it
I say yes to criticism because I know I will do things differently next time
I say yes to laughing 24/7 and extending my life 7 seconds everytime I do so
I say yes to believing in God because I witness some of his acts everyday
I say yes to rollercoasters and the rush of adrenaline that comes with them
I say yes to watching scary movies, just for the thrill
I say yes to never giving up, because quitting is the worst thing someone can do
I say yes to setting goals, because once you reach them, the sense of accomplishment is a feeling like none other
I say yes to my cell phone, because without it, I would die
I say yes to Patrick Dempsey and wonder why every movie he's in is one of my favorites
I say yes to giving it your all so in the end you can honestly say, "I tried my best"
I say yes to reading
I say yes to relaxing and taking a break, because we all need one every once in a while
I say yes to listening to my mom and dad because they are two of the smartest people I know and are usually right ( but not all the time)
I say yes to bonding with my sisters because I know when I grow up, they will be three of my best friends
I say yes to "spur of the moment" situations
I say yes to not having regrets, because life's too short to have them
I say yes to finishing everything I start and never leaving a job undone
I say yes to changing myself for the better, because there is always room for improvement
I say yes to SMILING :) all the time because it can brighten everyone's day a little
I say yes to trusting other people
I say yes to receiving advice and giving some in return
I say yes to saying "YES!" every chance you get