fear- noun; a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined; the feeling or condition of being afraid
#33 List 20 things your afraid of. Pick one fear and write about it
20 Things I Am Afraid Of...
1. Dying- My biggest fear of all time. I don't know what and when this will happen but I am "scared to death" for the day it does
2. Being Kidnapped- You hear so many stories about this happening to so many kids and teenagers today, it's hard to believe that it is so common and could happen to anyone
3. Losing any of my Family Members or my Friends- Just thinking about it scares me and knowing that it can happen anytime & anywhere in the blink of an eye scares me even more
4. Someone breaking into my house- Seeing movies and tv shows where this happens just puts this situation into reality for me
5. The Dark- To this day, I am still afraid to go into my basement by myself
6. Scary Movies- They will continue to haunt me for at least a week after I see them and I often sleep in my sister's room the day after I see it
7. Graveyards- I refuse to walk or drive by one at night
8. Being In a Car Accident- I feel like I'm a good driver, but sometimes it's the other people on the road with me that I'm worried about
9. The Ocean- I am paranoid about getting attacked by a shark one day
10. Boats- Ever since my dad and I crashed a katamaran I have never been excited to sail on a boat again
11. Breaking a Bone- Ever since I broke my thumb in fourth grade I have been overly cautious about falling and breaking other bones
12. Walking in Downtown Cleveland at night- After Cavs and Indians games I freak out about walking home at night, it is one of the scariest things ever
13. Growing Up- I am afraid to grow up and have a life of my own, I am afraid I am not ready and for what the future will bring
14. Change- Sometime I wish everything and everyone would just stay the same, but in the end we all need to grow up and move on and go our own ways
15. Deer- They always jump out at you at the most random times and cause many, many car accidents
16. Michael Jackson- After he got all of his plastic surgery, it scared me just to look at him
17. Being on a Bridge When It Collapses or on a Plane when it Crashes- Just knowing that there is a possibility of these things happening makes these car & plane rides so stressful
18. Being Alone- I am so afraid of being alone ANYWHERE, i can barely stay in my room for more than 10 minutes without getting lonely
19. Claustrophobia- I absolutely hate being in enclosed areas for a long period of time
20. Failure- I am so afraid of trying to do something and not being able to it
Having fears is ultimately a good thing in the long run, what you are afraid of shapes you as a person. The saying "There's nothing to fear except fear itself" is completely false. It is good to be afraid because in the end, being afraid of things will help us make the best decisions in the end
Monday, May 31, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
Simple Pleasures
"And sometimes we learn, that the best things in life are always free"
#79 List 15 Simple Pleasures. Pick one and write about it
Life is filled with simple pleasures. Things that are calm and easy but may bring one so much joy over the course of one day. Things that you dont expect, but come as sweet & simple surprises. Little things that in the end can add up to a lot
1. Walking into Starbucks and having the employees know your name
2. Roadtrips
3. Sleeping-In
4. John Mayer
5. Reading
6. Ice-cream
7. Talking to your best-friend
8. A day on the beach
9. Old Pictures that bring back the memories of a life time
10. Laughing until you cry
11. To Realize that you learned something that day
12. To have a "lightbulb" moment
13. Hearing "i love you"
14. Receiving flowers
15. Going to bed after a long day
16. Unexpected, spur of the moment happenings
17. People that never cease to surprise you
18. Going to bed early
19. Watching your favorite movie over and over again
20. The lazy days of summer
21. Shopping
One of my favorite things to do is go to bed early. After a long day at school there is nothing more relaxing than going to bed early. And in the morning when you wake up you are more relaxed than ever and prepared for everything that the day might bring. To feel fully accomplished and then go to bed at nine is the best thing ever!
#79 List 15 Simple Pleasures. Pick one and write about it
Life is filled with simple pleasures. Things that are calm and easy but may bring one so much joy over the course of one day. Things that you dont expect, but come as sweet & simple surprises. Little things that in the end can add up to a lot
1. Walking into Starbucks and having the employees know your name
2. Roadtrips
3. Sleeping-In
4. John Mayer
5. Reading
6. Ice-cream
7. Talking to your best-friend
8. A day on the beach
9. Old Pictures that bring back the memories of a life time
10. Laughing until you cry
11. To Realize that you learned something that day
12. To have a "lightbulb" moment
13. Hearing "i love you"
14. Receiving flowers
15. Going to bed after a long day
16. Unexpected, spur of the moment happenings
17. People that never cease to surprise you
18. Going to bed early
19. Watching your favorite movie over and over again
20. The lazy days of summer
21. Shopping
One of my favorite things to do is go to bed early. After a long day at school there is nothing more relaxing than going to bed early. And in the morning when you wake up you are more relaxed than ever and prepared for everything that the day might bring. To feel fully accomplished and then go to bed at nine is the best thing ever!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
20 Things That Annoy Me...
annoying- adjective; causing annoyance, irritatingly bothersome, vexation: annoying delays
#40 Pick 20 things that annoy you. Pick one and write about it
1. People that crack their knuckles, by far the most disgusting noise I have ever heard in my life.
2. Conceited sports players, everyone knows that you're good at the sport you play, there is no need to brag about it to the rest of the world. Humble athletes are the ones that impress me the most, they know they are good but don't feel the need to tell everyone about it 24/7.
3. Drivethrus, d-r-i-v-e-t-h-r-u, key word for quick. When someone takes forever at the drivethru it annoys me like no other. I believe this should be a quick process, not one that takes five minutes.
4. People who drive 27 in a 35 m.p.h, please speed it up, we all have things to do, places to go, and people to see
5. Sore-Losers, don't make a big deal out of losing, there is always next time
6. Quitters, it is better to try and fail than to not try at all, failing is what shapes us as a person and makes us who we are today
7. Judging people before you meet them, there's a lot more to someone than meets the eye
8. Writing Essays, which no one has the patience to do in one sitting and then stress out about what grade they will get on it
9. Procrastination, "better now then later" and how worried I get when I leave something to the last minute
10. People who "TyPE liKe DiS" and "txt like ths", along with lol, how r u, and gr8
11. Waking up at 6 in the morning to go to school everyday, which is too early for ANYONE to get up
12. People who "talk the talk" but dont "walk the walk", no one should be that conceited unless they can really back it up
13. Cats. The most annoying animals ever hands down
14. Being late for school, my mom and dad still dont understand that I need to be there by 7:20
15. The way your printer doesn't work ANYTIME you really need it too, especially on the nights before a huge project or paper is due
16. Having to go inside the gas station to pay instead of outside
17. Not Being Able to Do Something Well, I always try my best at everything so when something seems out of reach it is difficult to handle
18. When you plan out the next day perfectly, and you end up waking up late
19. Managing to get lost, even with a gps
20. My sisters leaving their stuff all around the house and then relying on my to pick it up for them
Not being able to do something well is the hardest for me to get over, when something else stands in my way it is a hard thing to take. But I have learned that when you try hard enough nothing can stand it your way of achieving anything!
#40 Pick 20 things that annoy you. Pick one and write about it
1. People that crack their knuckles, by far the most disgusting noise I have ever heard in my life.
2. Conceited sports players, everyone knows that you're good at the sport you play, there is no need to brag about it to the rest of the world. Humble athletes are the ones that impress me the most, they know they are good but don't feel the need to tell everyone about it 24/7.
3. Drivethrus, d-r-i-v-e-t-h-r-u, key word for quick. When someone takes forever at the drivethru it annoys me like no other. I believe this should be a quick process, not one that takes five minutes.
4. People who drive 27 in a 35 m.p.h, please speed it up, we all have things to do, places to go, and people to see
5. Sore-Losers, don't make a big deal out of losing, there is always next time
6. Quitters, it is better to try and fail than to not try at all, failing is what shapes us as a person and makes us who we are today
7. Judging people before you meet them, there's a lot more to someone than meets the eye
8. Writing Essays, which no one has the patience to do in one sitting and then stress out about what grade they will get on it
9. Procrastination, "better now then later" and how worried I get when I leave something to the last minute
10. People who "TyPE liKe DiS" and "txt like ths", along with lol, how r u, and gr8
11. Waking up at 6 in the morning to go to school everyday, which is too early for ANYONE to get up
12. People who "talk the talk" but dont "walk the walk", no one should be that conceited unless they can really back it up
13. Cats. The most annoying animals ever hands down
14. Being late for school, my mom and dad still dont understand that I need to be there by 7:20
15. The way your printer doesn't work ANYTIME you really need it too, especially on the nights before a huge project or paper is due
16. Having to go inside the gas station to pay instead of outside
17. Not Being Able to Do Something Well, I always try my best at everything so when something seems out of reach it is difficult to handle
18. When you plan out the next day perfectly, and you end up waking up late
19. Managing to get lost, even with a gps
20. My sisters leaving their stuff all around the house and then relying on my to pick it up for them
Not being able to do something well is the hardest for me to get over, when something else stands in my way it is a hard thing to take. But I have learned that when you try hard enough nothing can stand it your way of achieving anything!
Monday, May 17, 2010
50 Things I Will Never Do...
50 Things I Will Never Do...
List fifty things you will never do. Pick one and write about it!
1. Go anywhere without my cell phone
2. Be able to fully explain the rules and regulations of "curling"
3. Score a perfect score on a Chemistry test
4. Tell anyone that two years ago I was convinced I would marry Grady Sizemore one day
5. Go a week without Starbucks
6. Hit a bullseye on a dartboard
7. Be able to master baking a lemon meringue pie
8. Go on vacation and come home WITHOUT being extremely sunburned
9. Admit that I sing at the top of my lungs when I am home alone
10. Own a cat, EVER
11. Admit that I cried during the bachelor finale
12. Confess that I still watch Disney movies
13. Drive over the Golden Gate Bridge
14. Lose a game of "Just Dance"
15. Sail a katamaran, after my near death experience last year
16. Like any scary movie I see
17. Be able to make a perfect cup of coffee
18. Confess that I actually slipped and fell down in the hallway my freshman year, and admit that it was easily my most embarrassing moment
19. Cheer for any Cincinnati sports team
20. Deny my love for Ashton Kutcher
21. Slam Cleveland sports teams
22. Disrespect anyone who hasn't given me a reason too
23. Drive a truck
24. Live is Idaho, Wyoming, or Oklahoma
25. Have any kids past the age of 35
26. Fly on a private plane
27. Go a month without breaking something
28. Read all the Harry Potter books
29. Take my family and friends for granted
30. Ride on the back of a donkey to the Grand Canyon
31. Get a tattoo
32. Sing on American Idol
33. Say Never
34. Stop believing in myself & others
35. Be ungrateful for anything I have
36. Say no to babysitting my absolutely ADORABLE neighbors
37. Stop calling into radio stations in hopes that one day i will win something
38. Say "no" to coffee ice cream
39. Stop laughing at stupid things that only I would laugh at
40. Understand how I lose everything and am borderline the most un-organized person EVER
41. Say "I wish I had my braces back"
42. Wear camoflauge in public
43. Stop Trying
44. Miss a season of "The Bachelor"
45. Enjoy winter
46. Buy a motorcycle
47. Use trigonometry once I get out of High-school
48. Refuse people that want to help
49. Say "no way" to a roadtrip
50. Stop loving the South
List fifty things you will never do. Pick one and write about it!
1. Go anywhere without my cell phone
2. Be able to fully explain the rules and regulations of "curling"
3. Score a perfect score on a Chemistry test
4. Tell anyone that two years ago I was convinced I would marry Grady Sizemore one day
5. Go a week without Starbucks
6. Hit a bullseye on a dartboard
7. Be able to master baking a lemon meringue pie
8. Go on vacation and come home WITHOUT being extremely sunburned
9. Admit that I sing at the top of my lungs when I am home alone
10. Own a cat, EVER
11. Admit that I cried during the bachelor finale
12. Confess that I still watch Disney movies
13. Drive over the Golden Gate Bridge
14. Lose a game of "Just Dance"
15. Sail a katamaran, after my near death experience last year
16. Like any scary movie I see
17. Be able to make a perfect cup of coffee
18. Confess that I actually slipped and fell down in the hallway my freshman year, and admit that it was easily my most embarrassing moment
19. Cheer for any Cincinnati sports team
20. Deny my love for Ashton Kutcher
21. Slam Cleveland sports teams
22. Disrespect anyone who hasn't given me a reason too
23. Drive a truck
24. Live is Idaho, Wyoming, or Oklahoma
25. Have any kids past the age of 35
26. Fly on a private plane
27. Go a month without breaking something
28. Read all the Harry Potter books
29. Take my family and friends for granted
30. Ride on the back of a donkey to the Grand Canyon
31. Get a tattoo
32. Sing on American Idol
33. Say Never
34. Stop believing in myself & others
35. Be ungrateful for anything I have
36. Say no to babysitting my absolutely ADORABLE neighbors
37. Stop calling into radio stations in hopes that one day i will win something
38. Say "no" to coffee ice cream
39. Stop laughing at stupid things that only I would laugh at
40. Understand how I lose everything and am borderline the most un-organized person EVER
41. Say "I wish I had my braces back"
42. Wear camoflauge in public
43. Stop Trying
44. Miss a season of "The Bachelor"
45. Enjoy winter
46. Buy a motorcycle
47. Use trigonometry once I get out of High-school
48. Refuse people that want to help
49. Say "no way" to a roadtrip
50. Stop loving the South
#29 is by-far the most important of them all. No one should ever take their family and friends for granted, they are the most important people in one's life and that shouldn't be taken lightly. My mom, dad, sisters, aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins, & friends are the most important people to me. I always know I have the best support system in the world and know that I can count on any one of those people for anything I might need. They're the world's best and I wouldn't change it for anything.
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